With 1,000,000 people homeless and over 100,000 missing we need to help and quickly before the death toll rises even higher from disease and starvation. No matter how little you can spare every penny will help.
To help please print a copy of the below donation form and include with your cheque made payable to "BBVT (cyclone appeal)". Cheques plus donation forms should be sent to:
Birmingham Buddhist Vihara
29 Osler Street
Birmingham B16 9EU
Birmingham Buddhist Vihara
29 Osler Street
Birmingham B16 9EU
Contact details: Dr Ottara Nyana
Telephone: 01214546591
Telephone: 01214546591
mobile: 07729802076
e-mail ottama2000@yahoo.co.uk
Web page: http://www.bbvt.org.uk
Web page: http://www.bbvt.org.uk
Credit card payments should be made via the British Red Cross web page at: http://www.redcross.org.uk/
Donation Form
Please accept my gift £ ____________________
Cheques payable to "Birmingham Buddhsit Vihara"
Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/U/Daw ________ Initials ________________________
Surname __________________________________________________
Address ___________________________________________________
__________________________________ Postcode ________________
e-mail ____________________________________________________
Tel No. ___________________________________________________
Address ___________________________________________________
__________________________________ Postcode ________________
e-mail ____________________________________________________
Tel No. ___________________________________________________
Gift Aid : Use Gift Aid and make your donation worth more at no extra cost to you.
I want Birmingham Buddhist Vihara Trust to treat all donations I have made for the last six years and all donations I make in future as Gift Aid donations, until I notify you otherwise.
Signature __________________________ date _______________
Credit card payments should be made via the British Red Cross web page at: http://www.redcross.org.uk/
Charity No. 513368